789 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Fiber Cell-Wall Deformations and Longitudinal Growth Strain: A Research Note

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    The relationship between fiber cell-wall deformations and longitudinal growth strain is investigated in trees of Eucalyptus pilularis Sm. (blackbutt) and Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden (rose gum).In E. pilularis a weak correlation (r = 0.39) was observed between the number of cell-wall deformations in fiber walls adjacent to the second marginal ray cell and field measurements of longitudinal growth strain. However, a similar relationship could not be found in E. grandis

    Classical theory of investment: panel cointegration evidence from 13 EU countries

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    In the realm of macroeconomic theory, it is well established that investment decisions play an instrumental role in the determination of the level of output and employment; nevertheless, little progress has been made in relation to the theoretical aspects of these decisions. This paper, inspired by the classical approach to capital accumulation as well as the Keynesian theory of effective demand, attempts to enhance our empirical understanding of what determines investment decisions by exploring profitability, financial as well as demand factors. In so doing, a ‘Fully Modified OLS’ panel cointegration framework, for a cluster of two distinct groups of EU countries classified as core and the peripheral economies, provides the platform upon which our econometric investigation takes place. The respective evidence generated from the estimation process is in line with the theoretical framework proposed in this paper

    Translation and Validation of the Greek Version of the Antipsychotics and Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (ASFQ)

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    Introduction Sexual dysfunction in patients with psychoses may be associated with the psychiatric illness itself (negative symptoms, such as apathy, and avolition), comorbid somatic health, psychosocial factors (stigmatization, discrimination), and the use of psychotropic drugs. In Greece, research into the study of antipsychotic-induced sexual dysfunction is not sufficient. Aim This study was conducted to translate and validate the Greek version of the Antipsychotics and Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (ASFQ) in a sample of patients receiving antipsychotic treatment. Methods A “forward-backward translation” method was applied. A pilot study was conducted with 15 outpatients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder under antipsychotics treatment. Patients also completed the “Subjects’ Response to Antipsychotics (SRA)” questionnaire in order to assess the validity of the ASFQ. The ASFQ and the SRA questionnaire were completed twice within 2 weeks. Main outcome measures Reliability (internal consistency and test-retest) and validity were assessed. Results The Greek translation of ASFQ was reliable, with excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's a = 0.90 for men and 0.95 for women in both measurements). In addition, the Spearman correlation coefficient was 1 (P< .001) in all Likert-type questions in both assessments. Finally, Spearman correlation coefficients between ASFQ and SRA were moderately positive to strongly positive (between 0.25 and 1) in both assessments, demonstrating moderate to high validity. Conclusions The Greek version of the ASFQ has proved to be a reliable and valid clinical instrument, hence it can be used in further studies in the Greek population. Angelaki M, Galanis P, Igoumenou A, et al. Translation and Validation of the Greek Version of the Antipsychotics and Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (ASFQ). J Sex Med 2021;9:100334

    Plasma neurofilament light chain protein is not increased in forensic psychiatric populations: a pilot study

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    Introduction: Neurofilament light chain protein (NfL) is a fluid biomarker of neural injury measurable in cerebrospinal fluid and blood. Patients with different neurodegenerative disorders and mild traumatic brain injury display elevated levels of NfL. However, so far, elevated levels of NfL have not been demonstrated in persons with psychiatric disorders. To our knowledge, the occurrence of NfL in the blood has not previously been studied in persons undergoing forensic psychiatric assessment or persons treated in forensic mental health services. Supposedly, these persons suffer from experiences and conditions with a higher risk of neural injury than other psychiatric patients. Methods: In this pilot study, we investigated plasma levels of NfL in 20 persons undergoing forensic psychiatric assessment and 20 patients at a forensic psychiatric hospital. NfL values were compared with control groups of healthy individuals matched for age and sex. Results: The prevalence of increased NfL in both forensic groups was low and did not differ compared with the controls. However, some persons undergoing forensic psychiatric assessment showed slightly elevated values. Discussion: The slightly elevated values were observed in the group investigated closer in time to the index crime, when elevated NfL levels could be expected to be more prevalent due to acute conditions from the time of the offense. This gives reason to look further into this group

    Quantum-mechanical calculation of Stark widths of Ne VII n=3, Δn=0\Delta n=0 transitions

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    The Stark widths of the Ne VII 2s3s-2s3p singlet and triplet lines are calculated in the impact approximation using quantum-mechanical Convergent Close-Coupling and Coulomb-Born-Exchange approximations. It is shown that the contribution from inelastic collisions to the line widths exceeds the elastic width contribution by about an order of magnitude. Comparison with the line widths measured in a hot dense plasma of a gas-liner pinch indicates a significant difference which may be naturally explained by non-thermal Doppler effects from persistent implosion velocities or turbulence developed during the pinch implosion. Contributions to the line width from different partial waves and types of interactions are discussed as well.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Biophysical Characterization of (Silica-coated) Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles for Hyperthermia Treatment

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    Magnetic hyperthermia is a technique that describes the heating of material through an external magnetic field. Classic hyperthermia is a medical condition where the human body overheats, being usually triggered by a heat stroke, which can lead to severe damage to organs and tissue due to the denaturation of cells. In modern medicine, hyperthermia can be deliberately induced to specified parts of the body to destroy malignant cells. Magnetic hyperthermia describes the way that this overheating is induced and it has the inherent advantage of being a minimal invasive method when compared to traditional surgery methods. This work presents a particle system that offers huge potential for hyperthermia treatments, given its good loss value, i.e., the particles dissipate a lot of heat to their surroundings when treated with an ac magnetic field. The measurements were performed in a low-cost custom hyperthermia setup. Additional toxicity assessments on Jurkat cells show a very low short-term toxicity on the particles and a moderate low toxicity after two days due to the prevalent health concerns towards nanoparticles in organisms

    The Effect of Fused 12-Membered Nickel Metallacrowns on DNA and their Antibacterial Activity

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    The synthesis, characterization and the biological study of a series of Ni(ll)2(carboxylato)2 [12- MCNi(II)N(shi)2(pko)2-4][12-MCNi(ii)N(sh03(pko)-4] (CH3OH)3(H3O) fused 12-membered metallacrowns with 10 metal ions and commercial available herbicides or anti-inflammatory drugs as carboxylato ligands are reported. All the compounds have a mixed ligand composition with salicylhydroxamic acid and di-2-pyridylketonoxime as chelate agents. The compounds construct metallacrown cores {[12-MCNi(n)N(sj02(pko)2-4][12-MCNi(ll)N(shO3(pko)-4]}2+ following the pattern [-Ni-O-N-]4. The neutral decanuclear [Ni(II)(A)]2[12-MCNi(II)N(shi)2(pko)2-4][12-MCNi(II)N(pko)3(pko)-4] fused metallacrown, consists of two [12-MCM(ox)N(ligand)-4] units the {Ni(ll)(A)[12-MCNi(II)N(shi)2(pko)2-4]} and {Ni(II)(A)[12-MCNi(II)N(shi)3(pko)-4]} with 1+ and 1- charge, respectively. Each metallacrown unit has four ring Ni(II) ions and one additional encapsulated Ni(II) ion in planar arrangement. The anionic unit is bonded with cationic one creating binuclear moieties. The herbicide or antiiflammatory carboxylato ligands are bridging the central octahedral nickel atom with a ring metal ion in a bindetate fashion. The effect on DNA and their antibacterial activity was examined. The changes in the mobility can be attributed to the altered structures of the pDNA treated with Ni(II) complexes. Evaluating the data of the antibacterial activity of the compounds tested, we can conclude that nickel complexes present strong antibacterial activity

    Electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol by the [Ru3O(OAc)6(py)2(CH3OH)] 3+ cluster: improving the metal-ligand electron transfer by accessing the higher oxidation states of a multicentered system

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    The [Ru3O(Ac)6(py)2(CH3OH)] + cluster provides an effective electrocatalytic species for the oxidation of methanol under mild conditions. This complex exhibits characteristic electrochemical waves at -1.02, 0.15 and 1.18 V, associated with the Ru3III,II,II/Ru3III,III,II/Ru 3III,III,III /Ru3IV,III,III successive redox couples, respectively. Above 1.7 V, formation of two RuIV centers enhances the 2-electron oxidation of the methanol ligand yielding formaldehyde, in agreement with the theoretical evolution of the HOMO levels as a function of the oxidation states. This work illustrates an important strategy to improve the efficiency of the oxidation catalysis, by using a multicentered redox catalyst and accessing its multiple higher oxidation states331020462050CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informaçãoSem informaçãoSem informaçã

    Magnetization of polydisperse colloidal ferrofluids: Effect of magnetostriction

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    We exploit magnetostriction in polydisperse ferrofluids in order to generate nonlinear responses, and apply a thermodynamical method to derive the desired nonlinear magnetic susceptibility. For an ideal gas, this method has been demonstrated to be in excellent agreement with a statistical method. In the presence of a sinusoidal ac magnetic field, the magnetization of the polydisperse ferrofluid contains higher-order harmonics, which can be extracted analytically by using a perturbation approach. We find that the harmonics are sensitive to the particle distribution and the degree of field-induced anisotropy of the system. In addition, we find that the magnetization is higher in the polydisperse system than in the monodisperse one, as also found by a recent Monte Carlo simulation. Thus, it seems possible to detect the size distribution in a polydisperse ferrofluid by measuring the harmonics of the magnetization under the influence of magnetostriction.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. To be accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
